
We bring home mining closer to you than ever before! With the fusion of NerdMiner and BitAxe, you get the best of both projects in a single device.

Get your NerdAxe today! — Let’s decentralize mining together


Bitaxe Miner

Bitaxe is a fully open-source Bitcoin ASIC miner equipped with Bitmain ASIC chips from Antminer’s S19 and S21. This design ensures efficient and powerful mining capabilities, achieving 700 GH/s at an energy efficiency up to 17.5 J/TH.

Join the OpenSource BitcoinMining revolution!

Crystal Edition

NerdMiner Crystal edition

Unique and exclusive series of NerdMiner project. The NerdMiner Crystal edition features a new and unique screen designs, exlusive magnetic stand, translucid box, Certificate of Autenticity…

There are only 150 units. Get yours!


LNBCARD – Shiny payments

Make your bitcoin lightning payments more shiny.
Compatible with lightning and NOSTr. Connect it to your node or your custodial account and get light notifications when a payment is received.


NerdMiner v2

Join the Bitcoin mining adventure with NerdMiner v2.
This gadget is perfect for diving into the world of Bitcoin while enjoying efficient and user-friendly educational tool.

Get yours and start mining at 78KHs!

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